Kurt Okraku Reveals Criteria For GFA Appointment As He Denies Running ‘Family And Friends’ Administration

Ghana Football Association president, Kurt Edwin Simon Okraku, has laid down his criteria for appointing personnel to work at the FA as he denies practicing cronyism in his administration.

He said he assumed the GFA seat at a time when Ghana’s football system had crumbled, hence, he and his members had to appoint people they deemed fit to help deliver their mandate.

According to Kurt Okraku, the criteria for an appointment to serve in his administration include willingness, the right levels of passion, and being prepared to work 26 hours without sleep.

“We were offered an opportunity to serve at a time the entire football system had crumbled. Now it was important for us, not me, to bring on board people who are ready or who were ready and we think will help us to deliver our mandate.

“What we have done is look at every corner of the football ecosystem, finding out who is willing, who has the right levels of passion, and who is prepared to go 26 hours without sleeping like my good self to serve our football industry and this is exactly what we have done. Beyond that we have a broader perspective of the system and what plan you have to put forward going into the future. And I think that we didn’t depart and we have not departed from that,” he said in an interview with Super Sports.

He then emphasised that, currently, the personnel in his administration ticks the boxes of the aforementioned requirements.

“People with think have the right levels of passion, people who are ready, people who would work 26 hours a day to work their socks off to bring the love back to the sport.”

When asked whether he awarded the said persons in a form of reward for favours, he said: “No not at all.”

Kurt Okraku has been hugely criticised for practicing ‘family and friends’ in his administration.

The narrative gained more bytes after he appointed his close allies Sheik Tophic Senu as National Division One board member and Ameenu Shardow as Black Stars team manager, respectively.