Every Monumental Project In Ashaiman Was Initiated By The NPP Gov’t- Ashaiman MCE

The Municipal Chief Executive for Ashaiman, Hon. Albert Boakye Okyere has stated that if electorates of Ashaiman are to cast their ballot in the 2024 elections, devoid of political colours and affiliations, then NPP should win both the Parliamentary and President election in the constituency.

He explains that the NPP government has done a lot for the constituency and it’s just prudent that the electorates reward NPP by giving the party smooth victory in the 2024 elections.

“If electorates are to vote based solely on the developmental projects executed by both governments (NPP, NDC) then, obviously NPP should emerge victorious…. Because every monumental project that you could point at, in the constituency was done by the NPP government…. if electorates will be kind enough to vote based on what the government has been doing for them, then we shouldn’t be having such huge gaps after elections…”, he said in an exclusive interview on Movement TV. 

“Ashaiman had what we call the health post during Busia’s era. It was during Kufuor’s administration that the health posts were renovated into polyclinics. However, President Akufo-Addo elevated it into a primary hospital and has built an additional polyclinic. Initially, apart from the Timber Market Road, there were no other route from Tema to Ashaiman- the rest were just not motorable. But ex-President Kufuor built a bridge during his era, that has aided movement from Tema to Ashaiman. Other inner roads from Lebanon to Roman down were also not motorable but President Akufo-Addo has fixed it”, he told Kwaku Dawuro.

He disclosed that a treatment plant has been built during his era as the Municipal Chief Executive of Ashaiman and for that reason, open defecation has become a thing of the past.

Adding that the erstwhile Mahama’s administration had built only One Thousand household toilets. However, it’s been increased to Nine Thousand during Akufo-Addo’s era.