My Father Was A ‘Bushman’ Who Still Had The Respect Of The Community – Uncle Ebo Whyte

Uncle Ebo Whyte is known for many things, his impact on the world of theatre, his inspirational books, his generosity, etc.

But what do we know of his early days and the people who shaped his life, specifically, his parents?

In an interview with GhanaWeb TV for the documentary “The Uncle Ebo Whyte Story: A Legacy of Inspiration & Creativity,” Ebo Whyte shared insights into his upbringing and the impact his parents had on his life.

Despite his father’s battles with alcoholism, he still cherishes many fond memories of both his father and mother.

Despite his father’s struggle with alcohol, the community held him in high regard due to the dignity with which he carried himself.

“I was his (my father’s) favourite child. I remember him as a bushman who still had the respect of the community.

“When he was under the influence of alcohol, he was never mocked by the community, and we, his children, were never mocked because of the dignity with which he carried himself,” he recalled.

He noted that his father, who worked with the judicial service, never missed a day’s work and always presented himself flawlessly, regardless of his struggles.

“No matter how much he drank at night, the next morning he would go to work dressed impeccably. He was with the judicial service, and he never missed a day’s work. I don’t know how he did that,” he said.

Whyte also spoke warmly of his mother, noting her resourcefulness and entrepreneurial spirit.

After his father’s death when Ebo Whyte was just 14, his mother single-handedly raised five boys.

“My mother raised us all herself, through her hard work, her resourcefulness, and her firmness,” he recalled.

These attributes he learned have influenced him to become what he is today.

With more than 50 plays to his name, covering various topics such as family, relationships, faith, and addictions, Ebo Whyte’s journey is a testament to the family dynamics that shaped his life.

Source: Ghanaweb