Afari-Gyan Is An Old School; Ghana Card Registration Has No Deadline -Kofi Akpaloo

The Leader of the Liberal Party of Ghana (LPG), Percival Kofi Akpaloo, has described Dr. Afari-Gyan the former Electoral Commissioner (EC) as an old school following his comment on EC’s new constitutional instrument on making the Ghana card the only requirement for voting in the 2024 elections. 

Dr. Afari-Gyan has expressed disapproval of the EC’s decision to use the Ghana card as the document for the voter registration for the 2024 election. This decision according the former EC can disenfranchise millions of qualified voters. 

Kofi Akpaloo speaking with Kwaku Dawuro on Movement In The Morning Show said, ‘’we didn’t build a strong foundation from the onset so we do not have anything that identifies one as Ghanaian. Even foreigners have voters ID card so we cannot use that as a means of identification. Our country has been hijacked by foreigners who are working without paying tax’’. 

‘’The Ghana card started in 1973 by the late Acheampong but was halted due to financial constraint, it was continued by President Kufuor but was not sustained when the New Patriotic Party (NPP) went into opposition. The National Democratic Congress (NDC) could not continue the process when they came to power in 2008. And thankfully when they NPP assumed power again, they have successfully implemented the National Identification Card (Ghana card)’’, he added.  

In furtherance, Mr Akpaloo stressed that ‘’unlike the sim card re-registration which has a deadline, the Ghana card registration has no deadline. The acquisition of the Ghana card is a continuous process. Afari-Gyan is an old school with an old and stagnant mindset’’. 

He added that the Ghana card is never a means to rig the 2024 elections.