Akwamumanhene Destools Subchief For Unlawful Land Sale

The Akwamumanhene, Odeneho Kwafo Akoto III, has ordered the im­mediate destoolment of the Odikro of Akwamu Anyansu, Nana Ofei Owobie.

The order by the State Council was made after a formal complaint was received from the head of the Anyansu Royal Family, Abu­suapaynin Offei and the elders of the stool.

Nana Ofei Owobie, known in private life as Kwadwo Darko, was found guilty of all six charges levelled against him at a State Council meeting on Thursday, October 19, 2023.

The complaint, among other charges, in­cludes unlawful sale of stool lands, non-per­formance of rites and customs for the stool, gross disrespect to the elders of Anyansu and the Akwamu Paramount Stool, insub­ordination, refusing or failing to respond to several summons served on him, refus­ing or failing to attend Traditional Council meetings and most importantly, breaking his oath of office (the Great Oath of the Akwamuhene).

All attempts to have the sub-chief to appear before Akwamu elders and answer all charges levelled against him proved futile.

“In light of the above, the Abusuapayin and the Obaapayin together with all the el­ders of the afore-mentioned, performed the necessary rites in accordance with custom to have the said Odikro destooled as the Odikro of Akwamu Anyansu, and accord­ingly informed the Akwamumanhene and the Akwamu Traditional Council of same, in accordance with custom,” the notice com­municating the decision read in part.

The letter, issued on Monday, and signed by the Gyaasewahene (Chief of Staff) of Akwamu State, Nana Semanhyia Darko, communicated the decision to him following the council meeting.

“Thus, the Akwamuhene, together with the State Council made an Order for the destoolment of Kwadwo Darko as Odikro of Akwamu Anyansu with immediate ef­fect,” it added.

The Council further advised the general public “not to deal with Kwadwo Darko in relation to any matter concerning Akwamu Anyansu or whatsoever.”

“All persons who have dealt with him in his former capacity are to contact the Akwamu Traditional Authority, Akwamufie, within three months from the date hereof for rectification or else lose any such value as the case may be,” it concluded.

Source: Ghanaian Times