Approval Of Ministers: Palgrave Boakye-Danquah ‘Fires’ Mahama Over ‘Attack’ On NDC MPs

Government spokesperson on Governance and Security Palgrave Boakye Danquah has criticized Former President John Dramani Mahama for taking a swipe at the National Democratic NDC) Members of Parliament (MPs) who voted to approve the ministerial nominees of President Akufo-Addo

He explained that it was a democratic process that took place in Parliament and individuals who represented constituents in Ghana had the independence and wisdom to decide to participate in a democracy.

Former President John Dramani Mahama in criticizing the MPs said they have “sorely disappointed” Ghanaians given the principled stance they took a few weeks ago to reject the nominees in order to force government to reduce its size.

“I am also disappointed,” he wrote on his official Facebook page on Saturday, March 25, a day after Parliament approved all six nominees following a secret ballot.

“Those responsible for this betrayal must do some serious soul searching and learn to place national interest over personal interest,” he demanded.

He also took on the Akufo-Addo-led government for missing an opportunity to reduce its size following the resignation of some ministers.

“Clearly in this time of crisis and excruciating hardships, President Akufo-Addo, his NPP administration and some of our MPs are out of tune with the mood of the Ghanaian people.”

He assured Ghanaians and all disappointed with the outcome of Friday’s proceedings in Parliament not to despair but to vote for him next year in order to “to work and build the Ghana we all want from January 07, 2025.”

But responding to him in a Facebook post, Mr. Boakye-Danquah said “I just read a post on the Facebook page of John Dramani Mahama (the presumptive leader) of NDC expressing his disappointment in some of the members of the NDC minority in Parliament of Ghana.

“I am surprised that Mr. Mahama who is seeking to be flagbearer of the biggest opposition party would take such a swipe at his members in parliament. This is a Democratic process and individuals who represent constituents in Ghana have their independence and wisdom to decide to participate in a democracy.

“I stand to congratulate the NDC side in parliament for not being bullied into an array of instructions and for deciding for the good of democracy and for the common good to enable President Nana President Akufo-Addo to continue to govern and lead this country – Godward.

“I hope that Mr. Mahama believes in democracy and I hope that the title of his book is not a threat to our budding democracy in Ghana. I wish Ghana the best and also our party New Patriotic Party (NPP: Development in Freedom) the best in wisdom ahead of the next elections.”

