Bawumia Set For Campaign Tour In Western North On May 3

The New Patriotic Party’s Presidential Candidate, Dr. Mahamadu Bawumia, is gearing up for a campaign tour in the Western North Region starting on Friday, May 3, 2024.

The tour aims to engage key stakeholders across various sectors.

According to a statement issued by Mr. Felix Foster Ackah, the Regional Secretary of the Party, Dr. Bawumia will hold separate meetings with religious leaders, including clergy and imams.

Additionally, he will pay a courtesy visit to the Western North Regional House of Chiefs at the Regional Coordinating Council.

The campaign itinerary also includes interactions with market women and taxi drivers at the Sefwi-Dwenase market and taxi rank. Islamic prayers are scheduled at the central mosque in Dwenase in the afternoon.

Furthermore, a Youth Connect Town Hall Meeting is planned at the Ebenezer Methodist Church, involving various youth-focused groups such as garages, tertiary students, and beauticians.

The tour will conclude with a meeting with Regional Executives of the NPP, parliamentary candidates, municipal and district chief executives, unsuccessful parliamentary aspirants, and TESCON members.

Party members are encouraged to actively participate in Dr. Bawumia’s tour to ensure its success.



