Christiana Awuni Details How Her Second Husband Wanted To Control Her Life

Ghanaian actress, Christiana Awuni has spoken about the control she faced in her second marriage, which ultimately led to its collapse.

In an interview with Nayas, Awuni mentioned that her husband’s possessive behaviour was a major factor in the breakdown of their relationship.

Awuni explained that her husband would try to control her movements, insisting on driving her to and from work every day.

She added that he would also monitor her interactions with colleagues and friends, especially when he was on set with her.

“I can’t. I married for the second time, and that man wanted to drive me to my workplace, see what I was doing and who was talking to me, and then get me to enter the car and drive me home,” Awuni explained.

The Kumawood actress also explained that her husband’s control extended to where they slept, with him insisting that they sleep in the same place. “If I sleep here, that’s where he will sleep,” she said.