Gizella Agbotui Tetteh: The Deceptive Leader Who Failed Awutu Senya West

Chris Asamoah Writes On Reasons Gisella Tetteh-Agbotui Must Never Lead

Gizella Agbotui Tetteh ascended to the political stage of Awutu Senya West with grand promises and a facade of competence and humility. In her campaign to become the Member of Parliament, she spoke eloquently of her dedication to the people, vowing to bring about transformative change.

However, her four-year tenure has laid bare the stark reality of her leadership—a period marked by incompetence, arrogance, and a blatant disregard for the very people who entrusted her with their votes.

Upon her election, Tetteh was heralded as a beacon of hope, a leader who would prioritize the needs of her constituents. She presented herself as a humble servant of the people, ready to roll up her sleeves and work diligently for the development of Awutu Senya West.

Unfortunately, these promises have proven to be nothing more than empty rhetoric. Over the past four years, Tetteh has demonstrated a glaring lack of ideas and initiative. Projects that were supposed to uplift the community have stalled, and there is little to show for her time in office.

In recent days, Tetteh’s true colors have been on full display, revealing a side of her that is far removed from the humility she once espoused. Her recent altercation with the Headmaster of Bontrase Senior High Technical School and the District Director of Education, Mr. Isaac Acquah Arhin, is a case in point.

Tetteh’s outburst, characterized by insults and threats, showcased her arrogance and intolerance. Such behavior is unbecoming of a public servant and highlights a disturbing pattern of conduct that should alarm every voter in Awutu Senya West.

Tetteh’s tirade against Mr. Acquah Arhin, sparked by the presence of Mr. Eugene Arhin at an official event, underscores her inability to handle perceived competition with grace and professionalism. Rather than collaborating for the betterment of her constituents, she chose to engage in a public spectacle, berating officials and displaying an unwarranted sense of superiority. This incident is a stark reminder that beneath her sheep’s clothing lies a wolf with nothing but disdain for the people she claims to represent.

It is imperative that the people of Awutu Senya West recognize the true nature of their MP and reject her soundly in the upcoming December 7, 2024, elections. Tetteh has had four years to prove her worth and deliver on her promises, yet she has consistently fallen short. Her leadership has been marred by inaction and a troubling penchant for arrogance and conflict.

In contrast, Eugene Arhin has emerged as a figure who genuinely cares for the welfare of the constituency. Despite not holding the position of MP, Arhin has demonstrated his commitment through tangible actions.

His efforts to connect Bontrase Senior High Technical School to the national electricity grid and his donations of computers and street lights are just a few examples of his dedication. These actions speak volumes about his ability to deliver meaningful change.

The people of Awutu Senya West deserve a leader who will prioritize their needs and work tirelessly for their development. Eugene Arhin has shown that he has the interests of the constituency at heart and possesses the vision and drive to bring about substantial improvements.

As the December 7 elections approach, voters must make a decisive choice for a future of progress and development. It is time to reject the failed promises and arrogance of Gizella Agbotui Tetteh and embrace a leader who will truly serve the people—Eugene Arhin.


Source: Isaac Opoku Nartey

Western Diamond TV