Ken Agyapong Exposed By His Own Sinohydro Interview In 2018

Ken Agyapong Exposed By His Own Sinohydro Interview In 2018

The Member of Parliament for Assin Central and flagbearer hopeful, Kennedy Ohene Agyapong, in the latest interview on his campaign tour in the Northern Region, has claimed that he facilitated the Sinohydro deal that constructed the Tamale Interchange and other ongoing road networks in the country.

In the interview, the Assin Central MP said that whoever would claim ownership of the Sinohydro deal is a liar since it was his ingenuity and initiative that saw to the fruitful facilitation of the deal.

“Let me repeat it, anybody who said he brought the Tamale Interchange is a liar. Let me tell you what happened. We went to China, the delegation was led by the Vice President, His Excellency, and we went. We negotiated with different banks. They finally settled on the China Railway. The company that we introduced was Sinohydro. When they gave the contract to China Railways, they couldn’t mobilize the funds. They came back to us because Sinohydro has a record of the Bui Dam. It was easy with the experience, meaning they know the terrain so it was easy for China to approve the loan of US$2 Billion. There is my company, my company Supercare, we represents Sinohydro, and Sinohydro is the one constructing this overpass here. So who says who brought it? Who? But you see, I don’t talk, I am a businessman, and all I care about is Ghana developing so I don’t talk, but the way things are going, oh he is not a presidential material, oh he is not a northerner, I am not a northerner but I bought a generator for Tamale Teaching Hospital. I am not a northerner but I facilitated this overpass” he stated.

It is, however, strange that Hon. Kennedy Agyapong, who claims to be the one behind the deal is on record to have bastardized the whole Sinohydro facility in a radio interview.

On December 14, 2018, as published by Adom online, Kennedy Agyapong criticized the Sinohydro deal for not prioritizing local contractors but a Chinese company. He said there was no way he would support such a deal and tagged it a bad deal which was to dupe Ghana the same deal he now claims to have engineered.

“We need to empower Ghanaians. This deal is not free but a loan. I cannot support a loan agreement that would be paid by my grandchild. We cannot continue to allow the Chinese to dupe us.” he stressed.

According to Mr. Agyapong, though his constituency is a potential beneficiary, the country’s interest comes first above personal gains.

“I don’t stand for only the New Patriotic Party (NPP) but for Ghana. I will put Ghana first ahead of all of these,” he said.

Is it not strange that a deal he is claiming to have facilitated today, he said ‘We cannot allow the Chinese to dupe us”?

It stands to reason that the Honourable Member of Parliament for Assin Central is contradicting himself as his interview has exposed him.