Level 100 Student Dies After Being Attacked By Armed Robbers In Kumasi

News coming in indicates that a level 100 English student of Akenten Appiah Menka University of Skills Training And Enterpreniioural Development (AAMUSTED) has met his untimely death after being attacked by armed robbers on Tuesday, April 25 around 3am.

According to reports, the deceased was returning back to his hostel after hours of studying on campus where he met these armed men. They attacked the student, robbed him and used a sharp weapon which is believed to be a cutlass to cause a huge injury on the deceased head.

The student was later sent to Okomfo Anokye Teaching Hospital for treatment. Reports coming in indicate that the student couldn’t make it. The Tanoso Police is currently working on the case to immediately arrest these criminals.

Students of AAMUSTED are currently writing their end-of-semester examinations. During this period, security is heavy on campus since students study throughout the night.

This is a sad and unfortunate incident. Students have been advised not to walk alone in quiet places.





Source: Real News