Nana Addo Is Interested In Building A Better Ghana And Not Elections- George Krobea Asante

A deputy communications director of the governing New Patriotic Party (NPP), George Krobea Asante has noted that President Akufo-Addo is never interested in elections but rather interested and concerned about building better Ghana for the citizenry.

According to him, unlike the former President John Dramani Mahama who is so desperate for power and as such will do everything possible to ensure that it materializes, President Akufo-Addo is always implementing policies and outlining measures to better the livelihood of Ghanaians.

His comments come on the back of recent criticism from John Mahama, over the government’s decision to hold this year’s Independence Day celebration in the Volta region.

Speaking to Kwaku Dawuro on Movement in the morning show on Movement TV/ Wontumi Radio, George Krobea emphasized that the former President John Dramani Mahama has been on the neck of the NPP, and has in recent times, tried to tarnish the image of the government on any platform he mounts all in a bid to recapture power.

“If Nana Addo needed a place to commemorate this year’s independence due to political reasons, he could have then chosen either Eastern or Ashanti region because that’s where the NPP gets majority of its votes from- but that is not what he’s interested in. He’s not interested in elections but interested in building a better Ghana for all of us”, he elaborated.

Stressing that the actions by John Mahama are divisive- adding that he doubts the former President could have taken such a bold step the President had taken, to celebrate the Independence Day across all regions, unlike it used to be celebrated in Accra.