NDC Is A Party That Always Think Evil- Paul Opoku

Dome-Kwabenya 1st vice chairman for the New Patriotic Party (NPP), Paul Opoku has noted that the NDC is a party that always thinks evil.

He said it is for this reason that the party always finds fault with everything good that the ruling government does. However, their plot never succeeds.

According to Mr. Opoku, the current exposé by Kpessa Whyte on what happened during the 2020 elections, is a plot to prepare the minds of NDC that if they lose the 2024 election, then they know whom to blame.

“As for the NDC, they never see anything good as far as Ghana is concerned. The NDC sees everything good as wrong…This is exactly what happens if you always think evil…They are actually preparing the minds of their supporters for defeat and nothing else…when they lose the 2024 elections, their only excuse will be that the government deliberately increased the cocoa producer price in a bid to ‘bribe’ cocoa farmers and that is how come they won the election”, he told Kwaku Dawuro on Movement TV.

Mr. Opoku furthered that there was the urgent need for the governing party to sue the NDC and Asiedu Nketia for deceiving the court.

“I get hurt whenever the NPP government overlook certain things, which the NDC wouldn’t have done. Asiedu Nketia and Kpessa Whyte should be at the Supreme court by now because after lying, they are still going about their duties freely…this is the reason for which they continue to do what they do…”, he said.

Mr. Opoku advised the NDC to get a better collating system for the 2024 elections.  Adding that in the absence of a better system, they should get knowledgeable people to help them, so that they could stop using mobile phones.

“No matter what they do, Ghanaians will never vote for them”, he said.