Morning show host of Movement In The Morning show on Movement TV, Kwaku Dawuro has made shocking allegations against former President John Dramani Mahama, accusing him of using committees as scapegoats to push his own ideas.
According to Dawuro, Mahama’s gameplay involves establishing committees to make his own plans appear as though they were conceived by the committees themselves.
Gordon Asare Bediako, a journalist who was present at a 2016 forum on Ghana’s economy in Senchi, corroborated Dawuro’s claims. He revealed that Mahama had already decided to seek an IMF bailout before the forum but used the event to create the illusion that the idea had come from the experts and resource persons in attendance.
Dawuro criticized Mahama’s habit of establishing committees for every decision, questioning his accountability as President.
“It’s not even up to a month since you took office, and you’ve already established a constitution review committee, an economic review committee. Next month, you’re establishing an education conference committee. Soon, you’ll establish an electoral committee. What will you be responsible for as President?” Dawuro asked.