Road Fatalities In Kumasi Decrease By 37% – Report

The Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly recorded a reduction in road fatalities by 37percent last year, according to the 2023 Kumasi Road Safety Report.

Metro chief executive, Samuel Pyne, says initiatives to keep roads in the city safe are paying off, with the consistent low fatality recorded in recent annual reports.

Data of the Kumasi Road Safety Report 2023 were collected from 13 police stations in Kumasi, where 83 fatalities were recorded, involving 61% pedestrian knockdowns and 25% of motorcycle accidents.

According to the report, the risk period was between 4pm and 6pm at top five locations of Anloga Junction, Silicon Hotel Junction on the Accra Road, Santasi Station, Oteng Nkwanta and Sofoline Station.

The high-risk corridors in Greater Kumasi, according to the report are the Asafo interchange to Tech Junction, the Sunyani Corridor, Bekwai Corridor and the Eastern by-pass.

The KMA has assured of joining forces with the various road safety stakeholders to enforce road traffic laws ahead of the election and Christmas seasons to reduce fatalities.

The report was released in commemoration of the 2024 World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims.

Ashanti Regional Director of the National Road Safety Authority, Akwasi Agyenim Boateng, said the outfit is targeting low road fatality rate in the festive season.

“The drive safe campaign challenge should be priority to everyone to ensure safe driving on our road to reduce fatality rate in the region,” he said.

Source: Joseph Obeng