The Future of Ghana Looks Brighter Under The NPP- Lakulaku

A former national NASARA coordinator, Abubakar Sulemana popularly known as Lakulaku, has said that the future of the country looks brighter under the current administration because of the numerous social interventions initiated for the past five years which are turning the fortunes of the nation around.

He says with the development witnessed across all sectors in the country, a renewal of the mandate of the ruling New Patriotic Party (NPP) would mean charting a path for more development.

He spoke to Kwaku Dawuro on Movement In The Morning Show on Wontumi Radio/Movement TV.

“The NDC could not prove themselves worthy of managing the affairs of the country when they were given the mandate, and that they can never be trusted for all the numerous promises they were making now to win votes. If we vote for NDC it means that programmes such as Free Senior High School among others are likely to be cancelled, he said.