You’ve Been Able To Prove Your Point, Now Call It A Day!- Chairman Nkansah Newlove To Ken Ofori-Atta.

Chairman Nkansah Newlove, of the New Patriotic Party, has reiterated that Finance Minister, Ken Ofori-Atta should call it a day and step down.

Speaking on Movement In The Morning, with Kwaku Dawuro, on Movement TV/Wontumi radio, Mr Newlove noted that Ken Ofori-Atta successfully proved a point that he was still worth keeping as the Finance Minister. According to Newlove, he would step down if he was Ken Ofori-Atta.

He stated that ”Ken Ofori-Atta wanted to prove a point that he was blameless of anything, which he succeeded in doing so and majority backed him. If you observed yesterday, the manner in which  Ato Forson and Adongo spoke to him was very disrespectful, especially for a man of such standard and in the name of being a Finance Minster.

I would call it a day if i were him, because he has been able to prove what he wanted to prove and no one can accuse him of anything.”